(This is just a snip-it of the great teaching and learning involving technology at Amana)
1. I've got some 4th grade helpers inputting our 100 great things about Amana (started as a 100s day project). The helpers are creating a document in Google Docs, shared it with each other and me. Very cool. I am hoping to link the doc on a later blog.
2. Mrs. Austin's class is continuing book talks with middle school students. The students are using iChat and sharing books live from Amana and from the middle school.
3. Mimio boards and training. We got some more in-service this week on the mimio boards (graciously donated by the Amana PTO). Very cool. Mrs. Toy's student teacher is incorporating the technology in her lessons. We have mimios in three classrooms. They are being used and the kids love it!
4. We can't seem to keep our computers in the lab. I love walking into the classrooms and seeing students sitting engaged, working on the computer or walking into the 1st grade and seeing the class using technology as part of their literature instruction and watching the kindergarten using Starfall to help reinforce letter recognition (check it out online) to name just a few uses.
5. The preschoolers also have a computer center. So cute. (I have a goal for this year to purchase at least one iPad for the preschool class. So many great applications. My own kindergarten daughter loves our personal iPad. Very engaging. As always, I have an idea for some funding...)
6. Mrs. Cooper. I can't thank her enough for her tireless efforts to integrate technology into the students' learning.
7. Last (and certainly not least) I want to recognize my wife Susan for all the hard work she does on the CCA website. It's a tremendous source of information.
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